The natural world is arguably the most precious of our heritages and legacies. Through photography we can see and feel a wonder that the naked eye cannot quite appreciate. It is through a passion of photography that I derive a great sense of pleasure, not least as it invites one to a pathway of adventure.

Pond Reeds 1- ICM Photography (Intended Camera Movement)

Pond Reeds 2 - ICM Photography (Intended Camera Movement)

Pond Reeds 3 - ICM Photography (Intended Camera Movement)

Pond Reeds 4 - ICM Photography (Intended Camera Movement)

Autumn Woodland 1 - ICM Photography (Intended Camera Movement)

Autumn Woodland 2- ICM Photography (Intended Camera Movement)

Autumn Woodland 3 - ICM Photography (Intended Camera Movement)

Autumn Woodland 4 - ICM Photography (Intended Camera Movement)

English Bluebell Woodland 1 - ICM Photography (Intended Camera Movement)

English Bluebell Woodland 2 - ICM Photography (Intended Camera Movement)

English Bluebell Woodland 3 - ICM Photography (Intended Camera Movement)

English Bluebell Woodland 4 - ICM Photography (Intended Camera Movement)

English Bluebell Woodland 5 - ICM Photography (Intended Camera Movement)

Pine Woodland, England - ICM Photography (Intended Camera Movement)
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